First Day of Preschool

What an exciting milestone! Santi is starting preschool!!

Starting school was the biggest motivator for Santi to get out of diapers. We visited the school over the summer so he could check it out, get to know the teachers and play in the classroom. He kept asking when he could go back to "that fun place." I told him that diapers weren't allowed at school and if he wanted to go, he'd have to use the potty all the time. Done!

When I walked him in on the first day, Santi asked me, with hesitation in his voice, "Mommy, are you staying with me today?" "No, sweetheart." I said, softly. "Mommies aren't allowed to stay." I reached out for a hug, anticipating his tears...there were no tears to be seen. He smiled. He smiled, big! His face told me everything. The excitement of freedom, independence and new friends filled him with so much joy. My Santi is ready for this!