Nursery {sneak peak}


I must confess, my son is almost 5 months old and he doesn't have a nursery yet.

Once we decided to deliver in LA and have his first two surgeries at CHLA we knew he wouldn't be home (home) until he was about 6 months old. Sadly, during my pregnancy, I couldn't bring myself to even think about creating a space for him. HLHS is awful and lots of people lose their babies in the first few months. That's just the reality of it. I was afraid. I didn't want to do a nursery and then not have a baby to bring home to it.

But here we are, just two more weeks in LA, (6 months has never passed so fast)! Preparing to move back home to Carlsbad and our baby is nurseryless. Well, not completely. We've been in Carlsbad all week and the nursery is now underway. The furniture is set to arrive in mid September. Here's a sneak peek at where Mr. Santiago Banks will reside.